Monday, January 28, 2019

सोह्रौं अंक (16th Issue)

This is 16th issue of Aksharica, which published on April 15, 2011. The content of this issue is as follows (यो अक्षरिकाको सन् २०११ अप्रिल १५ मा प्रकाशित सोह्रौं अंक हो । यस अंकमा समावेश विषयको सूची):

Financial Literacy: National Financial Literacy Month, National Coin Week, US currency & their slang.
राष्ट्रिय वित्तीय साक्षरता महिना, राष्ट्रिय सिक्का सप्ताह, अमेरिकी मुद्रा र उपनामहरू
US History: Civil War of 1861-1865.
१५० वर्षअघिको अमेरिकाको गृहयुद्धबारे जानकारी
Learning about state governments: Governor's role as chief executive of the state.
राज्यका प्रमुख गभर्नर
Some questions asked during US Naturalization test and their answers.
नागरिकता लिँदा सोधिने थप केहि प्रश्न ।
Learn English Series: Some medical terminologies, and bed / mattress sizes.
अंग्रेजी सिकौं: मेडिकलसम्बन्धी थप शब्द, र ओछ्यानका आकारबारे जानकारी
FAQs about 'Kindergarten Registration'.
किन्डरगार्टेन भर्नाबारे प्रश्न-उत्तर
Some news: Immigrants from Mexico, After marriage last name change, and Bhutanese office opened.
विविध समाचार: आप्रवासी मेक्सिकोका बढी, बिहेपछि थर फेर्ने, र भूट्निज कार्यालय खुल्यो ।
Forthcoming events in Nepali and American Calendar: Pan-American Day, Earth Day, and Easter.
आउँदो १५ दिनका चाडहरू: पान-अमेरिकन दिवस, पृथ्वी दिवस, र इस्टर ।

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