Wednesday, November 9, 2022

तेइसौं अंक (23rd Issue)

This is 23rd issue of Aksharica, which published on August 1, 2011. The content of this issue is as follows (यो अक्षरिकाको सन् २०११ अगस्त १ मा प्रकाशित तेइसौं अंक हो । यस अंकमा समावेश विषयको सूची):

Cover: Asian tiger mosquito in eastern US.

आवरण: अमेरिकाको पूर्वी क्षेत्रमा एसियन टाइगर लामखुट्टे ।

Photo: Blood donation program organized by Nepalese Association in Southeastern America.

फोटो: नासाको रक्तदान कार्यक्रम ।

Brief news: Forty one thousand Bhutanese refugees resettled in the US and 48 all over, and healthy foods for kids.


विविध समाचार: अमेरिकामा ४१ हजार र सबैतिर गरी ४८ हजार पुनर्स्थापित, र खाजामा बालबालिकाका लागि स्वस्थकर परिकार थप ।

Number knowledge: 3 = The US is 3rd in population and area.

३: जनसंख्या र क्षेत्रफलमा अमेरिका विश्वको तेस्रो ।

Hospital symbol: Waiting room.

अस्पताल-संकेत: प्रतिक्षालय ।

I am: Bobber, the water safety dog.

म हुँ: बबर कुकुर ।

Road symbol: Yield.

सडक संकेत: यिल्ड ।

Some important vaccines for summer/before travel.

गर्मीमा यात्रामा जानुअघि लगाइने खोप ।

American Culture: Some questions not to ask in the US

अमेरिकी चलन: अरूलाई यस्ता प्रश्न कहिल्यै नसोधौं ।

Some questions asked during US Naturalization test and their answers.

नागरिकता लिँदा सोधिने केही प्रश्न-उत्तर ।

Forthcoming events in Nepali and American Calendar.

अबका १५ दिनमा आउने नेपाली तथा अमेरिकी चाड ।

Names of some summer fruits & vegetables, part 2.

गर्मीका फलफूल र तरकारी, भाग २ ।

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